Friday, August 7, 2015

Civil Rights and Women's Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective (plus Lilieleaf Farm)

Today was a very powerful day for me. I spent a large portion of the day at Ponelopele School, and by this point in the week I've gotten to know some of the students and staff.  I was reminded at several points throughout the day of the power and responsibility that comes with being a teacher, and of the importance of honest classroom conversations about significant topics.

Yesterday, the Chair of the Humanities Department told me that there would be a half day of classes on Friday as they had a special program planned in honor of Women's Month, which is held each August in recognition of the August 8, 1956 demonstration by women who were opposed to a "Pass Law."  This would have required all black women to carry the onerous and restrictive "Passes" that were already required for black men and dramatically limited freedom and movement. The demonstration was successful in that it delayed the passage of the law for 20 years. I mentioned my interest in Women's History, and arrived today to discover that I was listed on the program as the "International Guest Speaker." So, with a few hours notice, I would be giving a speech on Women's Rights in America before 1,200 students and teachers, sandwiched between student poets, dancers, and singers.  I'm #6 on the program:

There was little time to get nervous as I quickly headed off to my first class of the day, 12th grade History.  I had met these students yesterday, and we'd gotten to know each other and talked about myths and realities about America and South Africa. Today, we were able to get into a meatier discussion. I started by distributing several maps of America: political, topographic, and population. We spent some time analyzing the maps and accounting for population patterns (why are the two coasts more heavily populated than the midwest?).

Next, I distributed handouts with the preamble to the US Constitution (1787) and the Constitution of South Africa (1996). Thank you, staff of DaVinci Hotel for making copies last night!  We did a close reading of both documents, discussing the goals and language.  I asked students to work in groups to create a list of similarities and differences.  They had great ideas and were able to find true overlap in the ideology of both texts.

Lastly, I asked the students "what would YOU like to discuss during the school year when you work with my students in America?"  They came up with a great list and I am so excited for our partnership in the coming year.

So, after about four hours with these students over several days, I feel we have a good connection that will help us in the school year to come.  I also have learned that they are very tech savvy and use their tablets and navigate the internet with ease. I believe they will have little difficulty working together virtually.

I next landed in another 12th grade history class, taught by the Department Chair.  She asked me to spend 45 minutes with her students, but was open as to the topic. I asked the students what they wanted to discuss and they said "the American Civil Rights Movement." I was very happy to oblige, and we walked through a timeline of Civil Rights, from 1954 (Brown v. Board) to 1965 (Voting Rights Act). They had their history textbooks on hand, and I was excited to see that they had an entire chapter on Civil Rights. They knew the basics of Little Rock, the sit-ins, the Freedom Rides, and Birmingham (1963).  I filled in some details and was so excited to tell them that I had met Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, a white woman who was a participant in the sit-ins and Freedom Rides. They had this photo in their textbook (That's Joan with her back to the camera, talking to Anne Moody)!  
 We even had a chance to discuss modern-day racial violence, including the Charleston shooting. They were shocked and upset to learn that Dylan Roof displayed a flag of Rhodesia and a Confederate flag. These students were rock stars and I wish I'd had more time with them.

By this point I was a little tired and hungry, but no rest for the weary! Time to write my speech! I hustled to the staff break room to jot down some notes.  A teacher taught me how to say "greetings" in Zulu (Sabona) and Pedi (Dumelang), the two most common tribal languages at the school. The rest was a quick overview of the women's rights movement in America, with a reference to modern issues.  

It was then off to the auditorium, where 1,200 students packed in for what was the loudest and liveliest assembly I've ever attended.  There was a DJ who played hip hop music at an ear-splitting volume at the beginning and between each speaker or event, and the students responded enthusiastically.  I especially enjoyed hearing some of the female students and staff speak.  At the end of my speech, I was honored to receive a lovely gift of traditional tribal jewelry from Mbali Shabangu, one of the teachers.  

The day wasn't over yet!  We drove back to the hotel, and then headed out for a tour of Liliesleaf Farm, which served as the secret headquarters of the ANC in the early 1960s. Mandela lived there in hiding (passing as a groundskeeper) for 18 months before his first arrest.  This visit is worthy of a longer entry, but suffice it to say that it was fascinating to learn about the "underground" work of black and white South Africans and the police raid.  
The farm was owned by a white family who provided "cover" for the ANC meetings

Many secret meetings were held in this thatched cottage. Police raided the farm and arrested key ANC leaders in 1963, finding documents and plans for the revolution.

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